Healing Services 

Private Sessions - Group Readings - Coaching Packages - Special Events

Sheree shares her exceptional ability in to connect emotionally while creating a safe environment to explore your deepest feelings offers a genuine experience of healing on a soul level.

Private One-on-One Sessions

To discuss, guide and coach individuals on their personal self-healing journeys and/or spiritual evolvement. Leaving the client feeling empowered, safe and with peace.

Intuitive Healing

Virtual over Zoom
60 Minutes 

This session is created to discuss, guide and coach you along your own individual awakening and self-healing journey. In this session you can bring all your personal experiences, questions, thoughts, fears, etc. as I provide intuitive guidance to assist you in finding YOUR truths to find purpose and joy.


Spiritual Healing

Virtual over Zoom
60 Minutes

This session is designed for those who are seeking help with grief, obtaining validation and receiving what is needed to move along your life's journey. This is a very loving experience only connecting to the highest of energies for your best and highest good. 

For the full experience of Spiritual Healing I offer add on the Personalized Healing Guidance option.


Personalized Healing Guidance  

Add On Service

This is an optional add on service where I create a personalized healing path to get you started on your self healing journey. After your private session, I dedicate another hour of connected time to create customized recommendations of healing techniques to assist you in beginning your steps to healing. 

This can be added to any session during or after the active portion.  Recommended for first time sessions.  Delivered via email.


Private Coaching

Private Coaching/ Mentorship Program

Spiritual Mentoring/Self-Healing Coaching
Virtual over Zoom
60 Minute Sessions (once per month)

3 Intuitive Healing Sessions $240 (save $15)
6 Intuitive Healing Sessions $465 (save $45)
12 Intuitive Healing Sessions $900 (save $120)

Providing personalized one-on-one guidance for those on journeys of awakening, self discovery and self healing looking for personalized one-on-one guidance in personal healing and/or understanding themselves and their unique process and/or capabilities (Intuition, Empath, Clairvoyance-Clairs, etc.). Leaving the client feeling validated, aligning with THEIR truths and understanding their unique path and purpose.


Free Monthly Healing Messages

Each month receive an inspiring healing message and keep up to date on all the new and exciting offerings and changes. Be the first to hear of deals, podcast updates, and so many new things in the works! Sign up below!

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Group and Home Services

Group Mediumship Readings

 For groups under 20 people
60 Minutes  

The magic of healing a group at once through the loving messages of spirit in the comforts of home where you control the guest list.

*No guarantee each individual person will get a personal message - however the individual messages can heal a group.

$250 Minimum for 10 people or less 
$25 for each additional person up to 19 total ($475 Max)
Will travel within Michigan
*If outside 30 minute radius, add $1 per mile from Allegan, MI  


Gallery Mediumship Readings

For groups of 20+
90 Minutes

The magic of healing a group at once through the loving messages of spirit on a larger scale.

*No guarantee each individual person will get a personal message - however the individual messages can heal a group
$500 Minimum for 20 people
$25 for each additional person
Will travel within Michigan 
*If outside 30 minute radius, add $1 per mile from Allegan, MI  


House Cleaning's

Offering another level of safety and comfort to my clients in their own homes.  No one should ever feel unsafe in the one place we find respite from the rest of world.  

$100 - In-Home Cleansing w/ Training
$225 - With Mediumship - to understand the story and find answers and an individualized plan for your particular situation. Includes: Home Cleansing Training, Gifts/Tools.

*If outside 30 minute radius, add $1 per mile from Allegan, MI


What if I cannot afford a session?

To keep my balance of giving and receiving I will have a drawing twice a year for a free session!  I will also offer sales throughout the year.   In order to enter to win and to stay up to date on the deals subscribe to the Newsletter below and follow @ShereeBuckmanAH on Facebook and Instagram.


Sheree Buckman is not a licensed practitioner. If you are ill or think you may have a medical or mental health condition, call a healthcare professional and be sure to follow your medical plan. These services should never replace any medical or professional advice.